Friday, September 12, 2014

The Creepiest Movie

Hi. In this post I´m going to talk about a creepy movie: E.T. For me, that movie was the peak of creepiest movies, principally for the children´s audience, who was traumatized for this character. When you go to the cinema and choose a creepiest movie it´s your problem; you want to be scary, but E.T. is totally different. You are a child, you haven´t anything to do on your saturday and you father say "c´mon, go to the cinema". Still, you don´t know what movie goes to see. On your innocence you think "what movie will be? Tron? Rocky III? Star Trek II?" But no; the movie is E.T. The Extraterrestrial; A creepy creature, a wrinkled monster with his brilliant finger and that sinister voice.

All in this character is creepy, specially for a kid. How many children were not astronauts for this movie? The first contact with extraterrestrial life, but is a drunk E.T. That´s all, I hate E.T., I`m grateful for his return to house. Never return, creepy alien!.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pavel,

    The first, thing I have to say is that your blog is not complete because it doesn´t include the links of your classmates´ blogs. That´s why nobody could comment on what you wrote. This is important because it is part of the exercise and of the learning process!.

    Another very important thing is that you didn´t answer all the questions for the task.

    Now some comments on your English. You say, "you want to be SCARED" not "scary". So what is the difference between the two?

    1 point.
